Comedian Jesse Joyce is a New York-based comedian who’s appeared on Comedy Underground with Dave Attell, @Midnight, Last Comic Standing and Red Eye (among many others), has written on numerous Comedy Central roasts and award shows and performed in over 15 countries. He’s also sober after booze almost destroyed his health (and got him a DUI). The guy’s big on giving back to the sober community, too, performing regularly in Alcohol Awareness programs. While he and I veer off into the nitty gritty of comedy (and whether living in LA or NY is better—Joyce is Manhattan all the way), we also trace Joyce’s first drink at 20 to his last one at 26, his family’s history of alcoholism and how he manages to be a happy alcoholic, among other topics.
Subscribe to the podcast on Itunes or listen to it on Soundcloud or Stitcher. Find Jesse Joyce on Twitter and his own site. Photo courtesy of Jesse Joyce. Used with permission.
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